Tips on your final exam with the help of subtopic videos

David Clark
3 min readJul 11, 2020

Science is one of the more tricky if not difficult subjects to study and hence it isn’t a cakewalk to score good marks in science. Other subjects can be dealt more easily by just mugging up but science particularly relies more on conceptual understanding, to be able to solve numerical, one word, diagrams a lot of thorough understanding is needed. In this post, we look at some important topics and chapters and how to approach the various chapters in science. The best way to approach this subject would be to focus more on visualization for example if we take a chemistry concept like rancidity to understand this better a student could watch the oil in their kitchen go rancid which would help them to understand the concept as well as retain the information for a much longer time than by staring blindly at the books. Another very helpful resource is watching subtopic videos class 10 which gives out the same result as watching live examples.

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This list can help you comprehend some topics which are more frequently asked from the board’s perspective.

Diagrams: This generally becomes a deal-breaker for most students who don’t consider themselves great artists well here is great news you are evaluated only on how well you mark the diagrams instead of how beautifully you draw them! Some diagram topics that you must cover are electric circuit diagram, AC and DC generator, image formation by lenses and mirrors, the human eye, image formation for both defected and correct vision, the magnetic field around a solenoid and a bar magnet, glass prism and for biology- representation of reflex action, respiratory system, different parts of a flower Female reproductive system, asexual reproduction, double circulation in heart these can be learned better by watching Subtopic Videos for Biology on the website.

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Mendel’s heredity cross: this is like a maths sum which can appear in the question paper with a different value hence you should practice such crosses and are also a scorable area usually asked as a 3 marker.

Numericals: This is mostly maths with more concepts hence again practice a lot and try to understand the laws how they are governing the numerical. Also sign conventions for ray diagrams and numerical in human eye chapters are something to look out for.

Chemical equations: Just as is said about the rest of the aspects this too requires ample practice especially balancing equations which are a very important concept in chemistry not only for your exams but also if you plan to choose science further. Examples for each type of chemical reaction with equations should also be learned well. Periodic classification is another important chapter and is known for application-based questions. The reactivity series should also be focused on. You can access the subtopic videos class 10 for help with any topic on the YouTube.



David Clark

David is a freelance author-cum-blogger. He has experience in writing content for different verticals which majorly includes digital marketing, and technology..